1 in every 6 men will experience pelvic pain at some point in their life. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is the most common urologic disease in men under 50 years old. Yet most men will see over 5 medical providers before finding relief for their symptoms. Our doctors of physical therapy provide comprehensive pelvic and sexual health care for men throughout the lifespan.
About 1 in every 8 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. it is estimated that 60% of men are still incontinent six weeks after prostatectomy, and the primary quality of life concern is sexual dysfunction. Our doctors of physical therapy focus on your livelihood after a cancer diagnosis.
How We Can Help
You are a whole person and we believe in finding and fixing the underlying “why” to your concerns. We will look beyond the pelvic floor to address all the factors contributing to your symptoms and perform a thorough history and physical examination to assess muscles, tissues, joints, nerves and movement patterns. Our focus is helping you understand what is going on and then providing you with the appropriate tools and treatment to help address your concerns and meet your goals. We believe in hands-on manual therapy and appropriate exercises to provide a whole-body approach and to empower you with the tools that you need to get back to living your life!
Pelvic Health
-Testicular and/or penis pain
-Sensitivity at the tip of the penis
-Pain during/after urination/defecation/orgasm
-Pudendal neuralgia
-Urinary incontinence
-Pre/post prostatectomy care
-Erectile dysfunction
-Sexual dysfunction -
-Sports hernia/groin tear
-Umbilical hernias
-Low back, hip or SIJ pain
-Tailbone pain
-Lifting and running injuries
-Sports performance
You are not alone, our team has post doctorate specialty training in orthopedics and pelvic health. We are here to support you!