During pregnancy a woman’s body goes through more changes than any other time in our lives. Every system in the body is affected:
Cardiovascularly our heart grows as we pump more volume and increase our cardiac output
Our musculoskeletal system adjusts to significant weight changes at the same time as our ligaments and joints become more mobile and lax
Our endocrine system experience a roller coaster of hormonal changes
Our pelvic organs adjust to life growing right on top
Our bodies are incredible and resilient; but it’s also crazy to believe that for a small ankle sprain diagnosis you may get an Xray, told to ice, elevate, compress, and sent to physical therapy for a few weeks YET prenatal and postpartum women’s symptoms are often excused by “oh well you are pregnant” or “that’s normal you just had a baby”. Common does not mean it's normal, let us support you!
Our team of specialists have post doctorate specialties in orthopedics, obstetrics and pelvic health, we have dedicated our lives to serving you. Whether you are experiencing aches and pains , or you are seeing us to optimize your recovery and keep you strong and active; our team of specialists is ready to support your entire prenatal and postpartum journey!
Prenatal and Postpartum Services
Orthopedic Services:
-Diastasis Recti
-Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction
-SIJ pain
-Low back or hip pain
-Tailbone pain
-Neck pain and headaches
-Rib pain
-Round ligament pain
-Plantar fasciitis -
Pelvic Health Services:
-Pelvic organ prolapse
-Urinary incontinence
-Fecal or anal incontinence
-Bladder urgency/bladder pain
-Pain with penetration
-Cesarean scar/Perineal scar pain
-Pelvic floor dysfunction
-Vaginismus -
Wellness Services:
-In person Pregnancy prep class
-one on one push prep session (mom + birth partner)
-Prenatal & postpartum exercise programs
-Prenatal & postpartum running or lifting assessments